Sunday, January 10, 2010

Wedding Dresses

Recently I've taken a job selling wedding dresses. For someone who is very not "girlie" this is an incredible challenge. I expected it to be hard, and do not look forward to pimping myself as required for the job. However helping other women find a wedding dress they love is not as challenging as I had originally imagined!

In my first week I've found many girls feel the way I felt when I was looking for my dress. I am shocked! The task I dreaded most in planning my own wedding was finding a dress. I had no idea where to begin what to look for, what size I wore and definitely clueless as to what was underneath one of those! Looking back I still feel I made the right choice for me and even though I work with many many beautiful dresses I'm very much in love with mine.

Relating to the women who come in is much easier then expected, as is judging likes and body styles. So what you ask am I doing up at 5am stressing about my job. Well its not finding the right dress, its selling it. Getting them to take it out the door is my problem. So far I've had 3 out of 5 brides find the dress they won't be able to top. None of them have bought it. I'm a failure! My one task is to find them the "one" dress and send them home with it. I've found the dresses......

Either way, its keeping me up. I come home at night with images of gorgeous bridal gowns filling my thoughts. Most girls would love this, to dream of not only beautiful gowns but ones that are real! I hate it!!! I'm going bonkers. I can no longer function in society and my fingers hurt from zipping up dresses. Now I know why the rich used to have servants to dress them. It would have been impossible to lace a corset and dress yourself. Zippers are of course a great invention, but those also require help on even the simplest gowns.

The evolution of the wedding dress is amazing as well. If you are planning to get married soon take some time to look up the tradition and superstitions associated with modern day wedding rituals. Great insight into the evolution of our culture. It will also make you think about what tradition is important to your individual background and why. This will in turn help you customize and personalize your own ceremony and bridal attire, making your special day even more special to you and your groom.

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