Monday, December 21, 2009

Welcome to the Holidays

So my favorite thing about any holiday is definitely not people. I really don't care what holiday you choose, it meaning real or implied, or even what time of the year it falls in. Holidays make everyone just a bit phsyco. Only some of get really strange, but all of us are not at our best.
I have a friend who has recently suffered an incredible injustice. Now when hearing about it most people say "Why would someone do that so close to Christmas?" What they should say is "Why would someone do that at all?" Not to be a scrooge or anything but, shouldn't you be expected to treat people with love and respect at all times? Not just because some people are way off on Christs birthday and all that?
What I would like to point out is that we should all conduct ourselves as though everyday is Christmas. No, I don't mean blow every dime you make on ridiculous gifts you can't afford, that no one really needs anyway. I mean, stop to think before you speak or act and consider how someone else might feel. Make every day with your loved ones special, spread love and good spirits (not meaning whiskey, and such) all the time.
The world my friends would be an amazing place if only Christians would be christian to each other! Well that really goes for any faith I suppose. I can't think of a faith in which god would ask you to be an ass to the people around you, but I'm sure there is one out there somewhere.
Don't leave this without understanding that I really am not a fan of many holidays lately. The best thing about them is the fact that there are so many goodies available, and food is everywhere! Currently I'm trying out my own advice and I'll let you know how it goes. Does it count if I try with people I know will never be decent and just? Oh well I guess it will just have to be harder than I thought.

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