Thursday, December 17, 2009


Holidays are hard I've decided, but the candy is worth it right? Meh, not this year. Never been a fan of doing the whole family together thing, travelling to visit, or even obligatory phone calls to distant relatives you don't even really know. Bah Humbug right?

Oh well, my simple wish is that one holiday in the future is exactly what I would like. No visits to cranky in-laws, or fighting with cousins. Just my little family somewhere warm sleeping in, opening a few great gifts. Maybe we'd have some Christmas Crepe's when we got hungry or just munch down on fatty junk food and Coke. Not to much right?

My plan, cause I have to have a plan I'm OCD like that, would have to start with just getting someplace warm! I hate the cold, even though the snow is all festive and what not. Personally it makes me want to puke! Its cold, wet, awful to drive in, worse to shovel, and there's something in it that makes people drive like assholes. Maybe its the chemicals in the road salt seeping into their scalps. I don't know and I really don't care either. Just wish they'd stop driving, and breeding! Either way if we were someplace warm then it'd be sunny and happy right.

I hate family parties! Ah hell, it all boils down to... the in-laws hate me. It's ok cause hate isn't really a strong enough word for how I feel about them. What really bothers me is that their intent is to separate my family and love us in pieces. UNACCEPTABLE!!!!! I know they don't like me, I know they don't think Josh is worth the shit they took this morning, Tristin will be last seasons fashion as soon the youngest boy has his new baby. Hell, Tristin was last season when Ashley started bringing her baby girl around! Poor kiddo. They invite Josh and Tristin but not me, no big right.

Wrong again, you can love family in pieces. You either love them and respect the choices they make or you leave them alone right? Not these people, they want to torture you (well Josh). They want to bait you with their love and affection then pull it out from underneath you when it matters most. Sure I love my husband but I will never understand why he allows these creatures to treat him this way. Not only do I worry about him but my baby too. Who is to say that they will not play this game with him as well?

Frustrating. I hate that I even waste my time thinking about them! Either way, do I allow them to divide us so I stay home and Josh and baby go for holiday parties? Or, do I sit through their total lack of respect for me my husband and deal with the dirty looks and snide remarks? Stupid people really shouldn't bread, I wish I could convince them to stop.

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