Monday, March 22, 2010

Stupid teacher

You know I'd just like to explain to you that my having to miss your class is not a personal attack on you. Fortunately you think highly enough of yourself that questioning your "teaching" ability has never crossed your mind. Congratulations dear for hitting a nerve today. Ma'am you have a way of inspiring people. "Why don't you drop out until you can get your life together?" Yes! That's it I was always wondering what I should say to someone who is extremely stressed that they had to miss 2 weeks of school recently. How can I ever thank you? I am amazed, really.
Again I would like to tell you that missing your class is in no way, a personal attack on you or your teaching style. However, if I were missing school just because I got sick of you rambling about a chapter you've already required us to read, while adding no new information..... well then I'd just ignore you all together. I must have misconstrued the part of my social education that taught me if you care, you let people know what is going on to be polite. Apparently, this world asks that when you must be absent you get in much less trouble if you ignore the fact that it ever happened. Maybe that is why I get catty remarks.
I've thought about it though and you're right. Dropping out of school and waiting for things stop happening so that I can "get my life together" is a great idea. Then when I'm 80 and senile I might be able to come back and try for an education. Novel concept, maybe I could get it done sooner if I just decided to pull all my teeth out and live in a bubble! That way I'd never have teeth that need to be pulled on a day you hold class! Although that troublesome car injury might give me trouble again sometime in my life. Hell that could be a permanent injury! Guess I'll ever be able to go to school to bad for me... I just couldn't get my life together enough.
Sorry to have wasted your precious time with my silly dreams of a college education. You could have spent all that time.... I don't know, regurgitating chapters from a book to a room full of people who could care less. Again my apologies.

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