Sunday, April 18, 2010


Up to this point I haven't really said much about myself or my situation. I am mid-twenties headed back to school. When I enrolled I was very confident there would be more help available such as day care. Never once did I expect my motivation or drive to fail me. This is what I've wanted for near 12 years give or take a few. Most people will tell you a 14 yr old girl doesn't know what they want right then, much less what they want to be in the future. Everything about me screams to the contrary. So recently my lack of motivation for my schooling has shocked and depressed me. Fortunately I was assigned to a group project in motivation, a god send from a class I hate. Go figure! While researching my portion of the assignment I found this website.
Not only does it describe what I have always thought to be fundamental in running a business; it also is written based on experience.

I switched my major a while back for various reasons. Originally I had planned for a BS in Business Management, currently I'm listed as a 2yr Accounting major. Fundamentally not to far apart since my first semester classes all count toward the accounting. Although they are just not the same. Reviewing my topic of motivation did not call into question my motivation for school. I knew already I was lacking the drive to become an accountant. Reading about the experiences of others regarding failed types of management drew my attention to why I am unhappy with accounting.

I love knowing the accounting, its by far my favorite class. However I have always wanted to implement my own standards of management in the work I do. Who wants to work for someone else when you know you could run a better ship? Now I'm not getting cocky believe me there are many people more qualified, and more educated in leading a team. I am just willing to be a part of whatever team I lead and that is a true rarity in the world of business. Personally I blame my father. Those who knew him, and especially those who worked for him can understand why I might feel this way. Life is a struggle, unfortunately it is often a struggle to survive financially. Why toil in despair for others? Work hard to see yourself and those you work with succeed! In small business run properly a success for the owner is a success for the entire workforce. This is how life should be on any scale.

In short stop by this website, see for yourself why I want a degree in Business Management. I want to change the situations I've been in, working for big business, for myself and others. Just see if I don't!

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