Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The value of drive time!

Things we all do while driving...
How long does it take to send a text message? 60-90 seconds?
Picking and changing a CD just a minute, Right?

Flirting with that really hot guy.... 5 minutes.
Now me I drive a lot faster than that, which is compounded by always being in a hurry for something. I'll be completely honest with you I am a HORRIBLE driver. The first year or two I had my license I was in about 8 wrecks. Luckily my skill has improved greatly!

When I was learning to drive my BIL told me something I'll never forget! Shan said "If you are driving at 60mph (yeah like that's going to happen) you are traveling a mile a min." 60 seconds and you've gone a mile! Pretty simple logic right, but a profound thought. Think of all the things you pass in a mile. On average a Nascar race track is about a mile long or 60 seconds long @60mph. Translation for those who aren't getting it.... A LOT HAPPENS IN 1 MILE!!!!!!

That one text message that couldn't wait, that song you just had to hear, the cute guy in the other car. Exactly how long were you not looking? One mile maybe two? Do you even really know? Could you make an honest guess?

Now you must understand I was steaming mad from some guy cutting me off when I was doing 95 in the fast lane. This thought occurred to me as traffic slowed and I was berating myself regarding my short temper. There had been an accident I was passing now. The smoking remnants of a four door Mazda. All the doors had been cut away the victims long since on an ambulance, two fire engines putting out the flames. Who I wondered, was mad they got cut off by this car? Recently I seem to be a lil more emotional than usual so I was ashamed. Honestly I almost cried, I could have caused something like that being so impatient.

From now on I will pin this thought to my need for speed: Is that extra 5min or that one car length, worth the lives of the people in the other car? Is it really worth the lives of the people in my car? Truly, I say nothing is more important than the souls travelling with me!!

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