Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Utah Schools

Recently I did some research on the issues facing our public school systems. Of course I'm a bit more worried now that Tristin is about to start school. We've all talked about the trouble with public education and the lack of funding, but do we really do anything about it?

When I was looking at articles about some of these issues I noticed there were no comments in the discussion boards! But if you pull up an article about Lindsey Lohan every one suddenly has something that is super important to say. I am super disappointed that people care about some random stars drug addiction more than the education of their child. Where exactly are we headed here?

While I was looking for more information on the bills I was looking at I found this blog http://utahedu.blogspot.com/. Now I really hate trying to read and understand legislation of any kind. There is far better reading material out there for sure. This blog helped explain the bill what it is intending to do and you can even listen to recording of the hearings on some! This is great if like most of us you just can't stomach spending a whole day, plus money for daycare to go and listen to the legislators argue about things you don't understand. This is great place to get informed with minimal effort.

So I want to make you aware of the three things I've been looking at. First off (since money always comes first) Senator Chris Buttars R-West Jordan is quoted by the Deseret News as saying "We're going to cut some of these things, so you need to tell us in what rank of importance do you see these programs". Mind you this was said to Superintendent Larry Shumway in regards to the programs for the Deaf and Blind school.

Basically they are asking Mr. Shumway to rank whats more important teaching kids in regular schools what they need to know or teaching deaf and blind kids what they need to know.

Next up is SB73 that will eliminate the teachers tenure program. those who know me and my family can assume exactly what I think of this. It is definitely not something I'll go into just to save myself some undue irritation. Well.... I'll make it brief, teachers need protection of some type from stupid little bleeps and their ignorant bleepity bleep bleep parents, to say the least.

The last is my favorite and was recently one of x96's deserving boner candidates. HB25 offers schools private funding from oil companies if they toss the conservation curriculum and replace it with a pro fossil fuel and mining curriculum. Basically they want us to teach our kids that conservation of our natural resources and our planet is silly. Instead we need to teach them the true benefits of strip mining and consuming the planet at an alarming rate. This is awesome!

Yeah, so my point here is; if you aren't involved get involved. If you don't have kids remember that these people are spending your tax dollars to write this kind of crap legislation. If you do have kids wake up! The teachers can't educate your children for you! Be an active part of their life, help them succeed by taking interest in their basic education. Lets get it together people and decide that education is our priority, no one will do it for us (even if we elected them to). Hell half the people I know don't vote, so you should start. I know I will vote in the next elections, I will not be a victim of circumstance any longer my son is to important for that.