Saturday, May 22, 2010

Beyond Irritated

Now generally I'd like to think of myself as an amicable person. Laid back easy going kinda girl. Though I have never denied there are lines, lines that should not be crossed. As a person I don't think I have an abnormal amount of these lines. Definately less than others I know... When a particular person tries my boundries I get angry but I'm quick to forgive. Now there is of course a limit to good nature and it is not a grand idea to push that limit. It is ugly, to say the least.

Unfortunately my lines are rarely spoken and until now I thought obvious to detect. HAHA there is no limit to the insensitivity of others. As of late I seem to have encountered a particular person who is completely oblivious to social cues of any kind. An amazing subject in the study of nature or nurture. I don't like to think anyone could be born so ignorant to what might offend a women. Obviously I must face the fact that this might in fact be possible.

Now the choice I am left with is.. do I hold this individual accountable for thier actions or do I ignore it as you would ignore an impudent child. Honestly I'm not sure it will matter either way. Any comment or remark I may have about said behavior will be prompty ignored. How long can an individual go through life being rude, crass and down'right offensive claiming ignorance?

At any rate I no longer feel I need to subject myself to the behavior of said person. Currently I am still unsure as to what I am going to do. My typical method is to wait until something offensive is said (which is inevitable) and pounce. Not litterally! I'm not a physical attack kind of person. More or less the end result of reaching my limit is an all around assault on a persons character. Down to what they might be wearing, speech habits, the sound they make when they chew... All in all this is a bad place for anyone to be, including me. I do hate the ugliest part of me and feel I let it go all to often.

How else do I get through to somebody who might not get it any other way? Maybe if I just avoid the situation a bit the answer will come shining through. I've already reached the very edge of my patience anyway. What harm could a few days do? Maybe I can just suck it up forever. Meh probably not, lets not kid ourselves.